Recognizing and Responding to Depression and Suicidal Thinking: Tips for Parents and Teachers

Research studies indicate that depression is one of the most frequently occurring mental health challenges for today’s children. As an example, a recent Fairfax County Youth Survey found that 22% of surveyed 6th graders and almost one-third of the teens surveyed in grades 8-12 reported experiencing significant symptoms of depression within the previous 12 month … Read more

How Do Children Understand the Concept of Time?

Time management is often a topic of discussion within my office, as well as, a source of conflict within many family homes.  Upon first hearing about time management concerns, my response is typically to help families create predictable routines during moments when time becomes an issue, such as rushing around in the morning, getting to … Read more

Review of “Raising a Moral Child” by Adam Grant

I recently read an interesting article in The New York Times about raising a moral child. The article, “Raising a Moral Child,” was written by Adam Grant, a professor of management and psychology at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and author of “Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.” The … Read more

Why Does My Child React That Way?

All too often parents question and seek a better understanding of why their children act or react in ways that are often labeled as “challenging” or “misbehavior.” The frustrating thing is that there is no single answer to this question. In fact, various influencing factors can contribute to how children respond to certain situations. In … Read more

When Logic Fails: 8 Strategies for Managing Meltdowns

As parents, most of us have been witness to our children “melting down.” Whether your child is a toddler, a preschooler, school age, or even an adolescent, there are times when your normally relatively reasonable offspring seems to become someone else all together. Often this happens when children are tired and/or hungry, though sometimes these … Read more

Parenting is Tougher When You Have a Child with ADHD

Children with attention deficits don’t respond to traditional parenting strategies (including punishment and rewards) the same way as do children without the condition. This occurs because they don’t seem to learn from their mistakes, avoid behaviors because of punishment, or are motivated by rewards as easily as other children. As such, parents often second guess … Read more