Emotions play an important role in successful child development.

Children who cope well with emotions, communicate effectively, and have good social skills generally feel better about themselves, function well at home and school, make good friends, are less likely to get in trouble, and demonstrate a positive attitude toward school and learning. As such, it is important for parents to closely monitor their child’s emotional well-being and to seek evaluation if any problems are suspected.

What behaviors may be associated with social/emotional problems in children?

  • Emotional outbursts (e.g., easily frustrated, mood swings, anger episodes)
  • Unpredictable emotions and behaviors
  • Difficulties in close relationships and trouble getting along with others
  • Changes in social interests and behaviors
  • Poor decision-making
  • Decline in school performance
  • Irritability
  • Sadness/crying
  • Excessive worry
  • Obsessive thinking
  • Negative thoughts and pessimism
  • Difficulty focusing and/or concentrating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Physical complaints (e.g., stomachaches, headaches) with no medical explanation
  • Changes in sleep and appetite

What can social/emotional testing tell me about my child?

Through a number of tests and information gathered from multiple informants (e.g., parents and teachers), social/emotional testing at FamilyFirst can help you better understand your child.  Goals of social/emotional testing are to provide: 

1) Diagnostic clarity surrounding your child’s struggles (e.g., depression, anxiety, adjustment disorder, pervasive developmental disorders, etc.).

2) A detailed understanding of your child’s view of self and others.  Specifically, testing can provide information about your child’s emotion regulation, ability to relate to others, self-esteem and self-image, coping skills, stress tolerance, and patterns of thinking. 

Through a number of tests and information gathered from multiple informants (e.g., parents and teachers), social/emotional testing at FamilyFirst can help you better understand your child and can assist with treatment planning