The Messages We Give Our Children

We receive constant feedback from the world around us. For children and teenagers, the messages they receive about themselves from peers, teachers, coaches, siblings, and parents play a very powerful role in shaping their sense of self. Children and teens who have behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties, such as those associated with ADHD, anxiety, depression, … Read more

Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce

Divorce brings up many emotions, including anger, sadness, loss, and/or relief, and individuals often need time away from their ex-spouse in order to work through their feelings and move forward. For spouses who also are parents, however, ongoing interactions with one’s ex-spouse are inevitable. That is, even though they are not married any longer, they … Read more

Bedwetting and Your Child

The medical term for bedwetting is enuresis. Enuresis refers to the “involuntary voiding of urine” after an age by which bladder control should have been established. Developmentally speaking, most children gain bladder control by the age of four or five. Most children who have enuresis have nocturnal (nighttime) type. In other words, they wet the … Read more

Parenting in the Digital Age

Many parents feel completely overwhelmed with regard to how to manage their children’s interactions with the digital world. With the advent of cell phones, Facebook, online gaming and GPS tracking, the decisions that parents need to make are numerous and often seem very complex. It doesn’t help that many parents lack knowledge and personal experience … Read more

Healthy Families and the Coming Out of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth

Within the past month, there has been an increase in the amount of attention given to the issues surrounding Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) youth, especially the effects of peer bullying. As I have touched upon bullying in previous blogs, I would like this blog to focus on the importance of family support, particularly … Read more

The Value of Empathy in Parenting

Empathy is one of the most important tools that parents have in helping us to connect with as well as manage our children.  But it is also a tool that is frequently under-utilized and/or misunderstood. What is empathy? Empathy involves understanding another’s feelings.  It is related to, but different from compassion, sympathy, and/or pity.  Being … Read more

Raising Independent Children

Most parents report that their primary parenting goal is to teach children skills for succeeding in the real world. People who are most successful in the “real world” are confident, self-reliant and able to communicate effectively with others. In order for children to develop these skills, they need opportunities to practice and experiment with growing … Read more

Helping Your Child with Bullying

In recent years, there has been an increase in media and community awareness surrounding the topic of bullying, which has resulted in many schools adopting a zero-tolerance policy with respect to bullying behaviors.  However, even with the increased awareness and school interventions in place, there is a high likelihood that your child will encounter some … Read more