Are you concerned about your young child’s development?

Our psychologists can provide specialized diagnostic and testing services to children who are suspected of having developmental problems or delays. Developmental testing can help your child access critical early intervention services.

What childhood behaviors might suggest the need for developmental testing?

  • Poor social skills
  • Communication problems
  • Stereotyped/repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities
  • Difficulty learning
  • Unusual/intense responses to sensory stimulation
  • Emotional and behavioral outbursts
  • Hyperactivity
  • Distractibility
  • Aggression (e.g., hitting, biting)
  • Eating and sleeping problems

It is important to note that the above behaviors can be associated with various childhood conditions. As such, a comprehensive and integrated evaluation from our trained psychologists allows for making a differential diagnosis and a specific plan for treatment.

How does developmental testing at FamilyFirst work?

Developmental testing at FamilyFirst includes assessment of cognitive, adaptive, social, emotional, sensorimotor, language and motor functioning by standardized developmental instruments. To better understand how your child functions, a thorough history review with parents and information gathered from school, pediatricians and other professionals also are valuable. Test scores, observations and all the information gathered by the child’s parents, teachers and medical professionals are integrated into a formal report that includes individualized treatment and education plans. Specific recommendations for instructional strategies, behavior management, and other needed services are offered to help improve your child’s behaviors and build on your child’s strengths in order to achieve family and child success.