Are Working Memory Problems Disrupting Your Child’s Learning?

A girl making art

Are Working Memory Problems Disrupting Your Child’s Learning? Working Memory is like a “mental sticky note” that keeps track of information momentarily in mind (NOT in long-term memory) in order to complete a task. Basically, it helps kids hold on to information long enough to use it. Working memory is one of many executive functions … Read more

On Parenting Teens with Intense Emotions

A picture of family looking happy

On Parenting Teens with Intense Emotions One of my favorite books, as both a professional and a parent of teenagers, is “Parenting a Teen Who Has Intense Emotions” by Pat Harvey and Britt Rathbone.  In their book, Harvey and Rathbone present dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) strategies that parents can use to help teens navigate challenges … Read more

Being Mindful: Using What and How Skills

Being Mindful: Using What and How Skills Mindfulness is the quality or state of being aware or conscious of something. We often think of mindfulness in terms of meditation and breathing exercises—skills that can decrease distress and promote emotional regulation. While these skills are certainly useful, the core purpose of practicing mindfulness is to increase … Read more

Now Offering Autism Spectrum Testing at FamilyFirst

A group of childrens having bright smile on their face.

Now Offering Autism Spectrum Testing at FamilyFirst If you suspect that your child or you may be Autistic, a diagnostic evaluation can assist with accessing needed early interventions, establishing or maintaining accommodations, and/or accessing other support services. You or your child may benefit from an autism evaluation if you notice the following: For infants and … Read more

What To Do When Our Kids Have Big Feelings (Part 2 of 2)

A man sitting with the boy

In our previous blog, we discussed parents being on the receiving end of our kids’ big, hard-to-have feelings and the importance of listening…truly listening….as a way to respond in these moments.  Today, we’re discussing some more traps parents fall into from time to time with some empathic and supportive alternatives. TRAPS ALTERNATIVES We judge the … Read more

Teaching through Play

Warm family moment with parents and children playing outdoors

Teaching through Play Let’s talk about something fun today, play! Across all ages, play is essential for development. Research shows that play is a natural way to learn social skills, and it can help build children’s skills in communication, emotion, cognition, physical fitness, and creativity. Playing is learning for our kids. Playing with our children … Read more

Accepting What We Cannot Change, and Changing What We Can

Girl looking at the forest

Accepting What We Cannot Change, and Changing What We Can Most of us are familiar with the Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This has become such a commonly known invocation that it is … Read more