Can I Have a Puppy?

A pet can be an opportunity for a child or adolescent to learn responsibility and build caretaking skills. A child’s pet can also be a wonderful companion, confidant, and playmate.

It Could Be Worse

It Could Be Worse As I write this, I am drinking tea from a favorite mug. At first glance, it looks like a traditional blue-and-white china pattern. But when you look closely, you will see killer robots, Godzilla, Bigfoot, zombies, and other agents of chaos and disaster. This mug is sold with the title “Things … Read more

How to Cope Loneliness

Loneliness involves the negative feeling of being disconnected and isolated from other people. It happens when we have social needs that aren’t being satisfied through our current relationships.

Catching Zzz’s: Why & How

Catching Zzz’s: Why & How Sleep is a vital human function that affects almost every system in the body, far beyond simply replenishing one’s energy.  For example, good sleep is necessary for important brain functions, such as concentration and memory.  When we are well-rested, we are able to think more clearly, make good decisions, and … Read more

What’s Behind My Child’s Out-of-Control Behavior? When in Doubt, Search for the ABC’s

What’s Behind My Child’s Out-of-Control Behavior? When in Doubt, Search for the ABC’s When young children display out-of-control behaviors, tantrums, and/or meltdowns, parents often are quick to think that these are intentional or manipulative and may describe their child as “willful” “stubborn” or “spoiled.” This way of thinking can lead to power struggles with your … Read more

Overcoming Test Anxiety

A child lost in deep thinking while studying

Overcoming Test Anxiety Many students feel nervous before and/or during tests, and a healthy degree of worry actually has been found to improve test-taking performance.  When a student’s level of anxiety about test-taking increases too much, however, it has the potential to create problems (even for prepared students).  Test anxiety involves significant worry and self-doubt … Read more

Improving Communication Through Validation

Improving Communication Through Validation Improving Communication Through Validation What is validation? Validation is defined as recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid and/or worthwhile. How does validation help with communication? Allows a person to feel heard Allows a person to feel secure Lets a person feel understood Increases feelings … Read more

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health During the Holiday Season Although the holidays are often a fun and relaxing time of year, they can be stressful and challenging as well. Research indicates that this is especially the case for individuals who already struggle to maintain their mental health; a recent study conducted by NAMI (the National … Read more

Practicing Gratitude – at Thanksgiving and Throughout the Year

Practicing Gratitude – at Thanksgiving and Throughout the Year Since March of last year, our children have faced unprecedented, unpredictable, difficult and scary times. COVID-19 continues to negatively impact the daily lives of all age groups. When stepping back and reflecting on what our children have endured this past year with lock downs, school closures, … Read more