Celebrating Small Victories

Celebrating Small Victories As we cross the finish line for the first leg of this school year, last year’s unprecedented and stressful combination of school closures, virtual learning, and constant COVID-19 anxieties can sometimes seem far away. However, it was not very long ago that all of us, and our kids, were constantly adjusting to … Read more

Preparing Your Child for an Intelligence Test

Preparing Your Child for an Intelligence (IQ) Test This post was originally published on 11/17/2010 and updated on 11/01/2021   Many private schools and advanced academic programs require children to take an intelligence test as part of the admissions process.  Often, when parents hear that their child needs to take an intelligence test that will … Read more

Adjusting to an Empty Nest

Adjusting to an Empty Nest Most college freshman have been at school for about a month now.  For parents, that means it has been at least 4 weeks without your child at home.  You have been learning what it is like to go through daily life without your child at dinner, in his room, talking … Read more

The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep As school starts up again and schedules get busier, sleep is an important consideration for people of all ages.  Sleep problems and disagreements about sleep can have negative impacts on individuals and families.  Family fights about going to bed, following evening routines and rules, and waking up and leaving the house … Read more

Are You Burned Out? Signs of Burnout and How to Help

Are You Burned Out? Signs of Burnout and How to Help With the academic school year starting back up in classrooms and some adults making the transition back to their jobs in-person, it would be prudent for everyone to do a mindful check-in and ask ourselves, ‘How are we doing?  Are we doing okay?  Or … Read more

Practicing Kindness and Finding Delight

Practicing Kindness and Finding Delight As I opened my laptop to write today, I passed by headlines about wildfires and floods related to climate change, increasing COVID-19 numbers, economic instability, political scandals, and the fear and anger experienced and expressed by leaders and followers in our almost unthinkably polarized society. And in my clinical practice, … Read more

The Bad Reputation of “Average”

The Bad Reputation of “Average” With the Olympics fast approaching, I am eagerly anticipating sitting on my couch watching non-stop television for three weeks.  In addition to the pomp and circumstance of it all, I have always loved watching the incredible athleticism and am completely awestruck by what the human body can achieve.  There is … Read more

Preventing Meltdowns in Children During the Summer Break

Preventing Meltdowns in Children During the Summer Break Research studies have documented that schedules and routines influence children’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. Furthermore, these two key environmental conditions can significantly reduce and even prevent meltdowns.  So, what is a meltdown? I encourage parents to consider that a meltdown can be an “involuntary reaction to … Read more