What is Adult ADHD?

In the past few years, much attention has been given to the topic of “Adult ADHD.” But what is Adult ADHD and how does it differ from what children and teens experience? Many individuals who had difficulties with attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both as children continue to have challenges in these areas as adults. However, symptoms … Read more

Pets Make Us Healthier and Happier

Most animal lovers know how incredibly fun it is to own a pet.  But did you know that pet ownership can have impressive long-term physical and mental health benefits?  Studies exploring the health benefits of the human-animal bond have found that: Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with better circulation, reduced risk of heart … Read more

10 Basic Strategies for “Changing the Channel” on Thoughts

Quite often, thoughts may go through our heads that are disturbing.  These thoughts sometimes make us angry, sometimes sad, and sometimes worried or scared.  While these feelings are perfectly okay, there are times when we all would prefer to “change the channel” on our thoughts, and to shift our focus to something more pleasant and … Read more

When is Anxiety a Problem? Management and Prevention Strategies

Anxiety is the most common, chronic and costly emotional disorder in the U.S. Increasing numbers of young children are experiencing clinical anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. Research shows that untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and as they get … Read more

The Time is Always NOW

As we approach the new year it is customary to take stock of ourselves and make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of us may resolve to lose weight, to stop smoking, to be on time more, or to display less of an inappropriate temper. But, I wonder how many of us will resolve to be more … Read more

Embracing Change

Have you ever had one of those moments in life when everything seems to be going smoothly and, then, bam life happens and tosses everything you thought you knew into a whirlwind? My assumption is the answer is, yes. As the old saying goes, “The only thing that is constant is life is change.” Depending … Read more

The Path of Progress

Reflecting upon recent events in this country and across the world, it may be easy to become discouraged or disillusioned with the state of humanity. The news is inundated with stories of violence and crime, creating the impression that the world is bad and scary, that people are evil and unpredictable. What the news presents, … Read more