The Season of New Beginnings

Spring is traditionally thought of as the season of new beginnings. The winter barrenness is replaced with leaf and flower buds, animals come out of winter hibernation to enjoy the longer, warmer days, and we humans begin our ‘spring cleaning’ in our homes. The idea of a ‘new beginning’ is inspiring and freeing and tends … Read more

Talking with Your Teenager about Sex

Parenting is hard, and parenting is teenager is often incredibly hard.  Many issues present themselves during this phase of life that are uncomfortable to talk about, and also where there aren’t always clear-cut answers. Parents often struggle to communicate well with their teenagers in general, much less about difficult topics such as sexual behavior.  Further, … Read more

Are You Taking Good Care of Yourself?

Taking Care of Yourself

Self-care can mean something different from one person to another. In general, self-care includes any intentional act you take to care for your physical, emotional, and mental health. While good self-care practices are often overlooked due to the daily grind of life, they are imperative for overall wellness and health. They help us fight off … Read more

Preparing for College Life

While there is still a considerable amount of time until National Decision Day on May 1st, many high school seniors are already beginning to receive news regarding their college applications.  It is therefore a time of great celebration for the students who are accepted into the schools of their choice, as well as some feelings … Read more

Five Gifts of ADHD

ADHD is not, in and of itself, a gift. It is a disorder that often leads to significant challenges in various aspect of one’s life. And each person with ADHD has a unique profile of symptoms and difficulties. That said, once you’ve received the diagnosis, it is possible to reduce the impact of the challenges … Read more

Making a Better Apology

Saying “I’m sorry” can be trickier than it may seem. No matter how good our relationships are, having conflict and sometimes hurting people is unavoidable. Making an apology is essential for maintaining the quality of relationships. Unfortunately, we have all experienced bad apologies – given them, received them, or even witnessed them in situations that … Read more

Mindful Eating for the Holidays

How many times have we looked at the scale after the holidays and cringed? While the holidays often offer a cornucopia of delicious foods, eating with abandon can cause January distress. Is there a way to enjoy the delectable tastes of the holidays while not tipping the scales in the new year? I believe there … Read more

Successful Co-Parenting

I recently saw a picture that at first glance seemed like nothing out of the ordinary until I read the accompanying text related to the picture. The picture depicted four adults and multiple children laughing while unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. However, the text related to the picture revealed that two of the adults were … Read more

The Dark Side of Popularity

While wanting to be liked and needing to fit in tend to be important no matter what your age, these issues are often especially important to adolescents. Teenagers often spend a good deal of time and energy worrying about how they are perceived by their peers – especially in this age of social media and … Read more