Parents Need Limits on Screen Time, Too

I recently went away to the mountains where there were no screens…no service for cell phones, no access to wifi, and no televisions for a whole week! The first day without my phone, without a constant barrage of texts, emails, and phone calls, I felt naked, uncomfortable, and out of touch. By the third day, … Read more

Helping Your Child Manage His/Her Anger

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion, especially if managed constructively. Anger, however, is complicated and can be confusing, especially for children. Most of the time people think of anger behaviorally and equate it with violence, aggression, hurt, etc. rather than thinking of it as a feeling. While people have behavioral responses to anger it … Read more

The Process of Psychological Assessment at FamilyFirst

Many clients call our practice for psychological testing services, often at the recommendation of someone else, such as a school counselor or physician. Most of the time, a client knows that they need answers about what is going on academically, behaviorally, socially, and/or emotionally, but they’re not clear what “psychological assessment” is or how the … Read more

Can You Hear Me Now?

The cell phone commercial that utilizes the words, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?” may resonate with parents in addition to cell phone users. How many of us parents wonder if, in fact, our children hear us when we make a request or give a directive because there is no response on … Read more

You Want to Wear What?

Lately, I’ve heard many parents express concern regarding their child’s choices in clothing and accessories, while their child complains that parents simply don’t understand and are being too controlling. While I certainly advocate for kids and teens to have freedom with respect to their choice of attire, I also understand that the concern many parents … Read more

I Before E, but not after C

I have a good rule of thumb that keeps positive energy in balance in the world of parenting. It’s as much a challenge in the world of parenting as learning the rules of grammar once was, but also just as rewarding. The I before E rule is simple: Inquire before Evaluating. In other words, take … Read more