Helping Children Manage Re-Entry Anxiety

Helping Children Manage Re-Entry Anxiety For many of us, it feels like the warm days of summer are also ushering in a chance to return to a long-awaited sense of normalcy as vaccination rates increase and the world is re-opening. However, as with all major life changes, it is also completely normal to feel mixed … Read more

Shhhhhh! Ways to Quiet Our Anxiety

A girl sitting on wooden outside the lake

Shhhhhh! Ways to Quiet Our Anxiety I recently gave a talk for Mental Health Awareness month and one of the talking points that attracted the most interest was about different kinds of self-talk we can use to calm our worries.  Anxiety is an incredibly common emotion, particularly in our world right now.  Many of us … Read more

Guidelines for Prevention of Mental Health Difficulties

Guidelines for Prevention of Mental Health Difficulties A good first line intervention for maintaining a healthy emotional balance in your life is to consistently engage in behaviors known to promote stability and prevent struggles.  The following behavioral interventions are a good place to start addressing mental health from a stance of prevention (and/or maintenance):    1) … Read more

Finding Happiness in Challenging Times

Finding Happiness in Challenging Times What is Happiness? While it may seem the answer is intuitive, there are various definitions for this term and researchers in positive psychology have identified a few central components and themes: Having positive emotions about your past, present, future Having a positive connection to the people in your life and … Read more

Finding Motivation When You’re Depressed

Finding Motivation When You’re Depressed One of the most challenging aspects of depression is the profound impact mood has on motivation. Depression often makes tackling even the simplest of tasks seem insurmountable. It can make it tough to go to work or school, keep the house clean, take care of basic hygiene, and even simply … Read more

Reflections at the Start of (Still in Pandemic) Springtime

Reflections at the Start of (Still in Pandemic) Springtime As I write this, the beginning of Spring is evident all around us – the days are longer and brighter, the birds are singing, trees and flowers are blooming, and more and more people are enjoying the outdoors. Cultures around the world are celebrating – Easter, … Read more

What Does it Mean to be Psychologically Flexible in the Face of the Pandemic?

What Does it Mean to be Psychologically Flexible in the Face of the Pandemic? Many experts argue that psychological flexibility is the ‘super skill’ of resilience and mental health. Research has found that it is associated with improved quality of life and both mental and physical well-being (Bond, 2013; Gloster, Meyer & Lieb, 2017). … Read more

Making Sense of Grief and Loss

Making Sense of Grief and Loss Grief.  Even just saying the word out loud – there’s a heaviness to it.  In these past 12 months, our world has been confronted with grief and loss at a scale never before seen in our lifetimes.  It seems that nearly everyone worldwide has been personally affected by COVID-19 … Read more

Parents: Don’t Forget to Praise Your Kids for Their Resiliency

Parents: Don’t Forget to Praise Your Kids for Their Resiliency Since March of last year, our children have faced unprecedented, unpredictable, difficult and scary times. COVID-19 continues to negatively impact the daily lives of all age groups. When stepping back and reflecting on what our children have endured this past year with lock downs, school … Read more

Helping Kids Cope with a COVID Winter

Boy playing with ice man

As COVID-19 continues, we officially find ourselves deep in the cold winter season. Even before the pandemic, winter has always presented its own set of challenges to our youngsters: colder weather and shorter days mean less time outside to burn off energy; shorter, darker days can mean a change in circadian rhythms, mood, and potentially … Read more