Hesitations in Medicating for ADHD

Parents who have children diagnosed with ADHD often feel apprehensive about following through with a physician recommendation for medication in order to manage symptoms. Reasons for apprehension range from concerns about the specific side effects (e.g., disturbance in appetite) to a blanket fear that not all side effects of the medication are discoverable. Research has … Read more

The Messages We Give Our Children

We receive constant feedback from the world around us. For children and teenagers, the messages they receive about themselves from peers, teachers, coaches, siblings, and parents play a very powerful role in shaping their sense of self. Children and teens who have behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties, such as those associated with ADHD, anxiety, depression, … Read more

How Many Sessions?

One question I am regularly asked is, “how long should I expect therapy to last?” Unfortunately, the answer to this question can vary greatly from person to person, as well as from presenting problem to presenting problem. For example, though two people may seek therapy services from a clinical psychologist aimed at decreasing symptoms of … Read more

How Does Childhood ADHD Affect the Family?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects not only the child who experiences the symptoms but also the child’s family system and social networks. Each family system must make accommodations to the diagnosed child in order to maintain the family’s stability. Typically, the necessary accommodations by the family are often extensive and affect all family members and roles. … Read more

Just Chill! Techniques for Effective Relaxation

It seems like everyone everywhere is stressed out nowadays! We constantly hear about hectic schedules, see people trying to do 10 things at once, and watch as people become irritable and short-tempered on high stress days. In order to combat the weight of daily stressors, we are often urged to “just chill out” and relax. … Read more

The Existential Crisis

The question of making or finding meaning in one’s life is often the basis for intense episodes of psychological conflict. There’s the twenty-something post-graduate having a quarter-life crisis, the thirty-something professional hearing her biological clock ticking, the middle-aged man wondering why he’s slaving away at a job he doesn’t like, and the older woman looking … Read more