Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist

Most of us are familiar with the age-old question, “Is the glass half-empty or half-full?”  We typically consider people to be either optimists (of course the glass is half-full) or pessimists (of course the glass is half-empty), but what if we consider that there may be more than two categories?  For example, the realist may … Read more

8 Breathing and Mindfulness Apps That Promote Wellness for Parents and Kids

At this point, most of us are aware that practices like deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness practices are frequently recommended to reduce stress and promote both psychological and physical well-being.  However, it still isn’t always easy to incorporate such practices into your daily routine.  With the advent of smart phone technology, there is an ever-expanding … Read more

Tolerating Uncertainty

Uncertainty is ubiquitous.  Throughout every stage of life, one must face new circumstances and new questions about the future.  A child starting middle school in the fall has to cope with the challenges of navigating a new school building, meeting new teachers and classmates, and learning how to balance increased academic demands.  A teen who … Read more

8 Tips for Navigating Informal Negotiations with Your Child’s School

When your child has learning differences, informal meetings at school can be a good opportunity to discuss educational services for your child.  Here are some essential tips on how to successfully negotiate in such meetings: Remember – everyone genuinely wants to support the child. The vast majority of teachers and other school personnel truly love … Read more

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Empty promises can be a source of anxiety, frustration, and resentment within all relationships, not just parent-child relationships.  Empty promises can be overlooked because in the moment the promiser likely intends to follow through with their promise, but does not realize the negative effect it has on the promisee when they do not do what … Read more

Love Means Learning How to Say “I’m Sorry”

In 1970 Erich Segal wrote the book Love Story, which was turned into a blockbuster movie starring Ali McGraw and Ryan O’Neal. The most famous line in the movie arguably was, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. I would beg to differ with that sentiment, however, and would suggest that instead love means … Read more

What is Adult ADHD?

In the past few years, much attention has been given to the topic of “Adult ADHD.” But what is Adult ADHD and how does it differ from what children and teens experience? Many individuals who had difficulties with attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both as children continue to have challenges in these areas as adults. However, symptoms … Read more

Pets Make Us Healthier and Happier

Most animal lovers know how incredibly fun it is to own a pet.  But did you know that pet ownership can have impressive long-term physical and mental health benefits?  Studies exploring the health benefits of the human-animal bond have found that: Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with better circulation, reduced risk of heart … Read more

10 Basic Strategies for “Changing the Channel” on Thoughts

Quite often, thoughts may go through our heads that are disturbing.  These thoughts sometimes make us angry, sometimes sad, and sometimes worried or scared.  While these feelings are perfectly okay, there are times when we all would prefer to “change the channel” on our thoughts, and to shift our focus to something more pleasant and … Read more