How Does Childhood ADHD Affect the Family?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects not only the child who experiences the symptoms but also the child’s family system and social networks. Each family system must make accommodations to the diagnosed child in order to maintain the family’s stability. Typically, the necessary accommodations by the family are often extensive and affect all family members and roles. … Read more

Just Chill! Techniques for Effective Relaxation

It seems like everyone everywhere is stressed out nowadays! We constantly hear about hectic schedules, see people trying to do 10 things at once, and watch as people become irritable and short-tempered on high stress days. In order to combat the weight of daily stressors, we are often urged to “just chill out” and relax. … Read more

Popularity and Your Teenager: Not Everyone has to be Homecoming Queen

While wanting to be liked and needing to fit in tend to be important no matter what your age, these issues are often especially important to adolescents. Teenagers often spend a good deal of time and energy worrying about how they are perceived by their peers. And parents often spend a good deal of time … Read more

The Existential Crisis

The question of making or finding meaning in one’s life is often the basis for intense episodes of psychological conflict. There’s the twenty-something post-graduate having a quarter-life crisis, the thirty-something professional hearing her biological clock ticking, the middle-aged man wondering why he’s slaving away at a job he doesn’t like, and the older woman looking … Read more

Navigating Young Adulthood

For many young adults, the transition from student to “grown-up” can be particularly challenging and stressful. After a lifetime spent in school learning how to make the grade and make a name for themselves on campus, many young adults are left feeling lonely and lost upon entering the real world. Other young adults, though their … Read more

The Types of Childhood Anxiety and Their Symptoms

When you have a child that has anxiety, it is important to identify what type of anxiety is present. Doing so will help guide his/her treatment. Because not all anxiety is the same, treatments may vary depending on the symptoms and presentation of the worry or worries. A brief description and symptoms of the various … Read more

Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce

Divorce brings up many emotions, including anger, sadness, loss, and/or relief, and individuals often need time away from their ex-spouse in order to work through their feelings and move forward. For spouses who also are parents, however, ongoing interactions with one’s ex-spouse are inevitable. That is, even though they are not married any longer, they … Read more

Coping with Loss During the Holidays

Quite a lot has been written about loss and grief. Many people are familiar with the model of grief introduced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross that talks about denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Another well accepted model of grieving discusses 4 phases: numbness, searching and yearning, disorganization and despair, and reorganization and recovery. This model also … Read more

Battling the Wintertime Blues

Many people start feeling blue as the air turns chilly and the days get shorter. However, for some this seasonal change in mood is more serious and may require treatment. Seasonal Affective Disorder (also called SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year, usually beginning in the fall and … Read more