Believe It or Not, Travel with Kids Can be Fun

Summer packs high expectations for fun through family vacations. With these plans come great hopes for relaxing times, strengthened family bonds, and memories of both adventure and discovery. Few intend to live out their favorite National Lampoon vacation. My recent debacles with travel have reminded me that even the best-laid plans can turn into infamous … Read more

Internet “Addiction”: When Should Parents be Concerned?

In recent years there has been increasing concern among parents who seek our services regarding their children and the amount of time that they spend on the computer. Parents often have particular worries about time spent on the internet, whether it be on social media websites, online gaming, or participating in virtual worlds (e.g. Second … Read more

Parenting a Challenging Child

Parenting is tough, even under ideal circumstances. When the job of parenting is complicated by the presence of an emotional, cognitive, or learning disorder in the child, the task can seem impossible at times. Moms and dads who have children with challenges not only struggle to manage their children’s behavior, they can also struggle to … Read more

Connecting Your Childhood to Your Child’s Childhood

Have you ever caught yourself saying something to your child that reminded you of something your own parent said to you when you were a child? Depending upon your relationship with your parent(s) this realization can result in a variety of emotional responses ranging from comfort to dismay. Examining your childhood and your relationship with … Read more

Parents: Screen the Screens!

This blog addresses the frequent concerns that parents bring up pertaining to the content of the video games their children are playing. As mentioned in a previous blog (Posted November 2010) written by Dr. Kathleen McElhaney, parenting in the digital age is challenging. While controversial, several studies have linked exposure to violence in TV shows … Read more

Hesitations in Medicating for ADHD

Parents who have children diagnosed with ADHD often feel apprehensive about following through with a physician recommendation for medication in order to manage symptoms. Reasons for apprehension range from concerns about the specific side effects (e.g., disturbance in appetite) to a blanket fear that not all side effects of the medication are discoverable. Research has … Read more

Researching the Research: How to Understand and Evaluate Psychological Studies

Given my work as a clinical psychologist, I try my best to stay up on the latest research across several areas, so that I can help parents make well-informed decisions regarding their children’s treatment. Recently, I was tuned in to NPR and was intrigued to hear a Dutch researcher being interviewed with regard to a … Read more

The Messages We Give Our Children

We receive constant feedback from the world around us. For children and teenagers, the messages they receive about themselves from peers, teachers, coaches, siblings, and parents play a very powerful role in shaping their sense of self. Children and teens who have behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties, such as those associated with ADHD, anxiety, depression, … Read more

How Many Sessions?

One question I am regularly asked is, “how long should I expect therapy to last?” Unfortunately, the answer to this question can vary greatly from person to person, as well as from presenting problem to presenting problem. For example, though two people may seek therapy services from a clinical psychologist aimed at decreasing symptoms of … Read more