Helping Your Child with Bullying

In recent years, there has been an increase in media and community awareness surrounding the topic of bullying, which has resulted in many schools adopting a zero-tolerance policy with respect to bullying behaviors.  However, even with the increased awareness and school interventions in place, there is a high likelihood that your child will encounter some … Read more

Helpful Ways of Dealing with Anxiety in Children

Anxiety is the most common type of psychological problem found in children and adolescents. Problems with anxiety can negatively affect a child’s life. For example, anxious children tend to have fewer friends than other children their age because they may be shy or fear meeting or being with new people. Anxiety can also interfere with … Read more

Getting Ready for A Successful School Year

Although it’s still August, it’s not too early to start preparing your children for the back-to-school transition. By following the tips below, you can help your children get a smooth start to the new school year. Get back to a “school-friendly” sleep schedule. Schedules often become more lax in the summertime, particularly bedtimes. When bedtimes … Read more

What To Do When Your Child Says “No!”

It almost seems as if defiance has become a rite of passage for children and adolescents. All too often children refuse to do what parents ask them to do and this can lead to tremendous stress in families. Fortunately, parents can stop a pattern of defiance and negativity in children with a few simple strategies: … Read more

Tools For Teaching Children To Calm Down

Summer time is here! For some families the summer season is full of activities and adventures. While children enjoy this time of year, reducing stimulation over the course of the day is paramount. Over stimulation can contribute to irritability, hyperactivity, and melt-downs in some children. Take the opportunity this summer to help your child develop … Read more

Heading Off to Camp!

Now that summer is here, many of our children will be heading off to camp. Some will be attending overnight or “sleep away” camps for the very first time. While some children anticipate camp with eagerness and excitement, others evidence a range of negative emotions, including nervousness, fear, sadness and/or anger. Your child may be … Read more

When Bad Things Happen

Sometimes families are affected by an event or experience so traumatic that it seems to reshape the fabric of who they are and how they function as a family unit.  Even when a traumatic experience happens to only one member of the family, its effects can be felt throughout the family system.  When the individual … Read more

Happily Ever After…

From an early age, we are taught that once we fall in love we live happily ever after and ride off into the sunset with our perfect mate.  This kind of message often creates the misconception that relationship difficulties are abnormal and a sign that a relationship must be doomed.  In reality, relationship difficulties are … Read more