Raising Independent Children

Most parents report that their primary parenting goal is to teach children skills for succeeding in the real world. People who are most successful in the “real world” are confident, self-reliant and able to communicate effectively with others. In order for children to develop these skills, they need opportunities to practice and experiment with growing … Read more

Helping Your Child with Bullying

In recent years, there has been an increase in media and community awareness surrounding the topic of bullying, which has resulted in many schools adopting a zero-tolerance policy with respect to bullying behaviors.  However, even with the increased awareness and school interventions in place, there is a high likelihood that your child will encounter some … Read more

Getting Ready for A Successful School Year

Although it’s still August, it’s not too early to start preparing your children for the back-to-school transition. By following the tips below, you can help your children get a smooth start to the new school year. Get back to a “school-friendly” sleep schedule. Schedules often become more lax in the summertime, particularly bedtimes. When bedtimes … Read more

What To Do When Your Child Says “No!”

It almost seems as if defiance has become a rite of passage for children and adolescents. All too often children refuse to do what parents ask them to do and this can lead to tremendous stress in families. Fortunately, parents can stop a pattern of defiance and negativity in children with a few simple strategies: … Read more

Basic Principles For Fostering Self-Esteem

The most important thing you can give your child is a sense of self-confidence. The foundation of self-confidence is self-esteem.  Building self-esteem is a process and usually a slow one.  Below are several tips for helping your child see him or herself as capable and competent, lovable and loving, unique and valuable. First, be available … Read more

How to Sort Through “Advice” on Raising Adolescents

Research on adolescent development is still somewhat in its infancy, as much of the research to date in the field of child development has focused on younger children.  Thus, many of the ideas we have as psychologists (and as parents) about adolescence as a stage of development were not actually examined empirically until relatively recently.  … Read more

Typical Teen Behavior vs. Cause for Concern

Is your teen’s mood just part of growing up or something you should be worried about?  It’s often difficult for parents to differentiate between normal moodiness and signs of an emotional problem, such as depression or anxiety, in their teenage children.  In light of recent news of high profile cases of suicide among young people, … Read more